Showing posts with label present. Show all posts
Showing posts with label present. Show all posts

§62. Animated Presentation

Three days, three animators, only Google Docs:

Textbook Example

Pure. Simple. Clear. Funny. Useless.

Secrets to Good Style Sheets

In their classic **Cascading Style Sheets: Designing for the Web** (1999), Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos summarize guidelines:

1. Put content in its logical order !
2. Test the legibility of your documents without stylesheets !
3. Test your documents on several browsers !
4. Always set colors with numbers (hexa or RGB) !
5. Always set font sizes with ems !
6. Always specify a fallback generic font !
7. Use relative units for lenghts (ems or %) : make scalable style sheets !
8. Use floating elements instead of tables !
9. Use class attributes for the most important elements !
10. Know when to stop !

These guidelines are still valid, and not only to style-sheet !

From the Heart

Considering your heart. Feeling it moving, living, being, just before speaking. Thinking about the persons that listens, inspired by the loved ones. Speaking with the heart, without thinking, smiling softly. Looking at the listeners, trying to feel if the ideas touch them.

Containing fear in the diaphragm. Letting the desire to love and be loved move your mind and body. Letting the heart expand, connect, rejoice.

Letting the momentum flow. Breaking rhythm. Building climax. Smiling, glowing, almost becoming superhuman.

Paper Typing

Don't listen to users. Watch what people actually do. Do not believe what people say they do. Definitely don't believe what people predict they may do in the future.

Mock up your design ideas on a few screens before you invest the resources on detailed design and implementation. Test each design with 5 users. And run many rounds of user testing. The cheaper each round, the more rounds you can fit within your budget, and the more you'll learn about user needs.

Some people complain because cheap and fast usability studies don't teach you everything about a design. But that's irrelevant. Yes, a bigger study would yield more results, but you'd get those results too late to influence the big design decisions. Also, the second or third rounds of testing will reveal anything you might have missed in the first, fast study.


Papers, Magnets, and Fishing Threads

If you don't understand the point of collaborating on-line after this presentation, then you are lying :

Google Docs in Plain English