§222. History Revisited

Augustin Thierry had called history narration; Guizot, analysis; I call it resurrection [Jules Michelet].

2021-02. Replacing notes, rewriting some. Cleaning the HMTL. Numbers for entries.

2016-09. Cleaning up the pages. Removing most videos.

2013-09. Deleting posts about Blogger.

2010-04. New Name - About Method. Added LinkWithin. Removed the navbar.

2010-02. Experimenting with one photo post per month.

2009-10. New Tags and Archives.

2009-05. Keeping up with deadlines with posts promoting one link only.

2009-04. Rolling four posts on the main page now.

2009-04. Simplified signature : no author name, only tags, identified by arrows.

2008-05. Modified styles to acknowledge Black Rules.

2008-03. Gathering notes directly into Blogger.

2007-11. Created this page.