In an ideal world, a project should be done once and only once. It should also reside in one and only one place. The reason why this should be so obvious is as obvious as the reason why nobody lives in an ideal world.
Taking notes captures soaring ideas. Ideas surge and resurge. Their resurgence cannot be stopped, but only polished into a leitmotiv, a musical theme.
Writing texts elaborates encompassing researches. Researches advance here, there, anywhere. The opportunity cannot be knocked down, but only tackled with an appropriate tool : an index card, an improvised notebook, a public computer.
Managing files fixates fleeting resources. Resources unexpectedly disappear, become disorganized, or worse are being destroyed. Their duplication can never be understimated : an external hard drive, a USB key, media ROM.
In the real world, working in more than one way, in more than one place, with more than one copy remains a happy necessity. Simplicity brings speed ; multiplicity brings freedom ; stability brings respite. Forcefully, joyfully, peacefully repeating, redirecting, reverting.