Jumping rope


Yell. Jump. Play. Out-run all those _sons-of-bitches_. They'll _never_ live the way you live. Go _do_ it.

[Ray Bradbury, **Zen in the Art of Writing**]


Burns 10-15 calories per minute. Easier on knees and hips than running. Improves coordination, gility, endurance.

Buy a beaded rope ; carry it in your backpack. Adjust well : stepping in its center, the handles just reach armpits. Wear good cross-training shoes.

Warm up and start slowly. Listen to music that has 120 to 135 beats per minute. Cool down a bit afterwards. Relax shoulders. Keep elbows in close to the body. Turn the rope with the wrists, not the arms.

Keep heels lifted. Point your toes toward the floor. Land on the balls of feet.

Hop in a smooth revolution, avoiding the two-hop hiccup. Mix up : basic two-steps, boxer shuffles, low kicks, leg curls, slalom, knee jerks, double unders, arm cross, etc. Adapt to style, rhythm, workout routine.