Work as Plan

Almost every success story ends up with a jump from plan to work. Since Descartes **Discourse on Method**, the main idea (if not the only one) is to organize work by dividing it into tiny, almost mindless tasks. These tasks are then simply resolved by accomplishing them, hence the jump.

Explaining these kind of jumps is never easy. Explaining them when they appear into the explanations themselves seems herculean. It may be more plausible to explain these jumps away, for instance by removing the asymmetry between plan and work.

Nobody plans, then works. It just does not happen that way. A little planning, maybe, then some work. More planning, more work if all goes well. Sometimes a little work, then planning accordingly.

In fact, the most efficient planning goes along the work. Programmers do that all the time when they comment their code. As programming is coding and commenting, working is seeing things through and getting things done.

Somehow, in a world where everything can happen, controlling where one is going now looks more relevant than envisioning where one should go next.