Roger Black gives five rules for better web design. How does this blog fare? Let's see.
First, bigger is better. Everything looks better when it jumps at the eye. This concerns first and foremost titles. But text too is magnified by magnification.
Second, high contrast is good. Opposing vibrance and majesty, mixing purity and elegance, type with background, title with text. Structure and content turning into form and substance.
Third, fastening to fastness. Faster sites mean less furious surfers. Nothing fancy, slow, bloated.
Fourth, content is king. Every page should give information ; every information should stay above the surface. A site should be a glass house, with chairs in every room.
Fifth, small chunks. Small and beautiful notes allow skimming and surfing. It imposes some effort at first, since writing less means working more. But it does improve stability of the overall architecture, which brings perennity.
Sixth, say something. Something good to know. Saying something well can't hurt too.
So, how does this blog fare ? It does not satisfy the first two rules : the elements seem small and the colors bland. [The CSS was tweaked a bit for the occasion.] It does satisfy the third and the fifth : the pages load fast and the notes are small. The reader is asked to judge for himself if, little by little, this blog says something well and good.