A friend does this 20 minutes Qi-Gong serie every day. Here they are, in case my little notebook gets lost.
Except for the two last ones, do 3 slow sets of 4, counting 1-2-3-4, 2-2-3-4, 3-2-3-4, and 4-2-3-4 for each sequence, alternating each side. For all, stand straight and keep the feet at shoulder width.
1. Toe dance! Standing, rotate one leg outward, the foot on its ball.
2. Kick! Gently lift and stretch completely the back of the legs, one at a time.
3. Twist! Swing the hips from one side to the other, turning the feet.
4. Punch! Step forward gently with one foot, gently punch with the hand of the other side, turning like a corkscrew.
5. Look away! Step forward with one leg, extend backwards the arm of the other side, slowly look at the palm.
6. Tap dance! Putting your weight on one side, lift the feet and extend, then bring it back.
7. Rock! Slowly swing your arms up one side and look up at your elbow. Swing to the other side in a rocking motion.
8. Kick back! Kick straight back, extending the leg, not too high nor too fast.
9. Contract! Make two fists and hold them tightly at your side, with elbows bent. Breathe in deeply. Imagine being a sponge.
10. Stand! Make two fists, with the thumbs pointing toward each others, bend the elbows and raise the arms at chest level. Stay as long as you can, at least 3 minutes.